Email Discussion Group

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Come along free of charge and start receiving emails from the email discussion list. The members have adopted the new title of SMANZ (Salt Matters—Australia New Zealand).

This is an internet support group for people who control their salt intake. It may be the world’s first (we would love to hear if we have a competitor).

Frustrated shoppers looking for low salt foods can get a lot of help by joining (subscribing). There is no fee. Just send a blank email to:

You will then receive a Welcome Message with more information, and start getting emails from all the other subscribers who have something to share with the group or something to ask. If you answer any of those emails your contribution will go out to the whole list and be seen by everybody else. This list has been a great success.

What does ozdocit mean? In case you were wondering, the letters ozdocit in the list’s email address stand for Australian Doctor Information Technology, and is the website of two busy New South Wales general medical practitioners who have generously volunteered to help us by hosting this discussion list on their website.

Page last modified on: Saturday 5 May 2018

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